Trademark registration service

The trademark is the cornerstone of building a company’s reputation, distinguishing its products, and enhancing the relationship of trust with consumers. In its work, companies rely primarily on using a distinctive trademark to market and promote their products. It also attracts consumer attention and distinguishes products, which enables the company to gain customers’ trust in the market.
The company owner has the right to protect his trademark from any imitation or infringement of his trademark that constitutes confusion between his products and the products of other companies that may try to make profits by imitating his trademark unlawfully. Even worse, those products are not of the same quality as the products of the company owner, which leads to weakening Consumers’ confidence in the original product and thus causing loss to it.

Our office provides the service of registering the company’s trademark, protecting it from any imitation or similar mark that may cause confusion between them, and prosecuting anyone who uses the trademark registered in the name of the company, through specialized lawyers and consultants with promising experience in establishing companies and registering trademarks.

First, the brand concept:

The Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property defines trademarks as:
Creations in the form of names, words, signatures, letters, symbols, numbers, addresses, and seals, as well as designs, drawings, pictures, distinctive inscriptions, or a method of packaging pictorial elements; Or shapes, or a color, or a combination of colors, or a combination thereof, or any sign or combination of signs if they are used or intended to be used to distinguish the goods or services of an establishment.

Secondly, the importance of protecting the brand:

1. The trademark is considered the distinctive mark of the company’s products and creates a relationship of trust with consumers, which enables the company to gain customer loyalty and enhance the company’s good reputation.
2. Trademarks help distinguish your company’s products and prevent consumer confusion between the company’s products and other products of lower quality.
3. Registering your trademark helps protect your company’s products from imitation that may harm your company’s reputation.
4. Registering your trademark gives you an exclusive right to use it in your activity and gives you the ability to sue others if they use or exploit your registered trademark.
5. A registered trademark distinguishes your products from competing products in the market.
6. Registering your mark helps protect the consumer from counterfeiting by monitoring the market and controlling counterfeit marks by the competent authorities.

What are the trademark terms:

1. The trademark must be distinctive, innovative and never used before.
2. The trademark must not violate laws, regulations, and public morals, and be in accordance with the provisions of Islamic Sharia.
3. It must be written in Arabic, with the possibility of requesting a translation if it is in a language other than Arabic.

Third, service provision mechanism:

Our office is your best choice for registering trademarks within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in the Gulf countries, and around the world, through our extended partnerships with several offices around the world specializing in the field of trademarks and intellectual property. Our services also do not stop at registering the trademark, but rather extend to protecting it from any imitation or infringement, handling trademark cases before the courts, and filing grievances before the Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property.

  • Our office’s legal advisor requests a copy of the trademark to be registered.
  •  The trademark owner’s data, address and nationality are recorded.
  • The legal advisor requests a statement of the products for which the trademark is required to be registered and their category.
  •  A special power of attorney is prepared by the trademark owner for the legal advisor, which includes following up on trademark registration procedures with all government agencies.
  • All required documents and papers are completed by the legal advisor.
  •  The application is registered with the Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property.
  •  After the application is accepted, the fees for publishing the trademark advertisement will be paid.
  •  The trademark certificate is obtained for 10 years.

Why can you trust our services?

  • We are committed to providing personal attention to our clients and ensuring that their legal needs are met in a timely and professional manner by a group of the best legal advisors.
  •  A distinguished team of specialist consultants with legal skills and experience to provide legal advice in the field of trademarks, registration and conditions.
  •  We have extended partnerships in many countries of the world to register your trademark outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and protect it from any violation in other countries.
  •  The office’s consultants are constantly available at any time to follow up on your company’s legal services.
  •  Ensuring the confidentiality of information, as all information and correspondence provided by the client remains confidential and not available for viewing by anyone in order to preserve the client’s privacy, and is governed by the rules that protect the confidentiality of the relationship between the client and the lawyer.
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